Amber Hollander

Amber Headshot

Amber is a 15-year veteran, completing her training at the Aveda Institute Minneapolis in 2006. She believes in lifelong education and has taken classes under some of the Aveda network’s most saluted names, including Oscar Bond, David Stanko and Ana Karzis. Her personal philosophy is that trends may come and go, but beautiful healthy hair will never go out of style. Creating color that compliments each client’s natural canvas is her passion, especially working with natural grey coverage and glossing treatments for shine and enhancement. Amber also excels at precision cutting; in particular, short styles are her strong suit. With a large clientele of both men and women she excels at customizing and detailing for each person in her chair. Amber also offers complimentary clean-ups between appointments for her clients with short hair. She loves the pony tails too, each cut is a chance for her to leave her mark! Outside the salon Amber loves to cook, spend time with her dogs and travel the globe with her husband.

Instagram: @amberhollanderhair

45 Minute Cut: $85
60 Minute Cut: $100
Color: $160+
Partial Highlight: $205+
Full Highlight: $250+
Custom Color: $340+

We hope to see you soon!

Starling Salon
40 W. Louisiana Ave.
Denver CO 80223
(303) 284-9205